Now that it's become obvious that Scott Walker is nothing more than a thug, an extension of the Corporatist Scumbag Koch Brothers, and the Fiscal Austerity he's attempting to impose on the people of Wisconsin is nothing but a fraudulent attempt to destroy unions in the name of "fiscal responsibility", can we please DROP this BULLSHIT at the National level?
The curtain has been pulled back, revealing the true face of the Corporatist/Fascist schemers who have systematically expropriated the wealth of the developing world through IMF and World Bank Austerity Programs, redistributing it to the same wealthy western elites now seeking to dismantle the American Welfare State. This was once known as the "Chilean Economic Miracle" as envisioned by Milton Friedman, and described by Naomi Klein in "The Shock Doctrine".
In Wisconsin the fraud has been exposed thanks to the hubris of that Idiot Scott Walker. We can plainly see the tactics of these Fascist Vampires; orchestrate a fiscal (or some other) disaster, and then exploit it to the hilt in the name of theft on a grand scale. At the national level it's just as much of a fraud as it was when orchestrated and implemented by the IMF and World Bank in the developing world.
Why do we have to mobilize in defense of Social Security, despite the fact that it has Nothing to do with the deficit? Meanwhile the very same people we're hoping will defend the social safety net just extended the Idiotic Bush Taxcuts that contributed to the deficit, providing these opportunists with further rationale to cut Everything! Our Tax Dollars bailed out the Wall Street Thieves who crashed the economy, and now our services have to be cut after their lobbying for deregulation and subsequent malfeasance led to this mess? Sounds like a massive redistribution of wealth upward, to me!
Instead of fighting it, the Democratic Party has embraced this ruse, as If These Fascist Leeches will settle for having less than Everything, because they're so Reasonable. But then, they're on the take too. Obama has found his common ground, his consensus. And when the Villagers agree that's all that matters, the hell with the rest of us. We, the 70% ers are just a Focus Group. No surprise that Idiot Stenographers like David Brooks can only regurgitate the Washington Consensus. He and people like him (the Stenographer Elite) have been conditioned to spout this nonsense. It's their job to rationalize this insanity. Milton Friedman's rapacious form of Capitalism is a cancer and must be excised from our democracy or it will continue to metastasize, and destroy us.
There are plenty of other "Scott Walkers" in Washington. Far too many. They're just a little less arrogant and stupid , but no less venal and amoral.
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