Saturday, February 4, 2012

Last night, Bill Maher blamed the entire OWS Movement for the actions of a few "black bloc" vandals in the Oakland OWS, who, given the Oakland PD's past use of Agents Provacateurs to excuse / justify police violence, may or may not have been affiliated with that one installation of OWS.

When a Cop kills, it's Always "one Bad Apple" No matter how often it happens in cities across this country, but some guy no one recognizes breaks a window after being told to STOP by real OWS protesters, and the entire OWS movement Must Disavow Violence, and explain his actions in every teevee appearance for the next eight hundred years..

From Copwatch@Occupy Oakland:

Beware of Police Infiltrators and Provocateurs

Either these Oakland PD officers are:

1. agent provocateurs
2. infiltrators
3. have decided to join Occupy Oakland in their spare time.

Video from on YouTube below the inscrutable orange squiggle

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